
Detailübersetzungen für reasonable (Englisch) ins Französisch


Übersetzung Matrix für reasonable:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
juste honest person; just person; righteous person; sincere person
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
respectable clean; decent; fair; honest; reputable; respectable; virtuous; worthy
- fair; fairish; sane; sensible
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- acceptable; moderate; plausible; sensible; superable; surmountable
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
approprié fair; moderate; reasonable accurate; adequate; applicable; apposite; appropriate; apt; becoming; befitting; correct; effective; efficient; fit; fitting; precise; proper; relevant; right; suitable
avec raison fair; moderate; reasonable decent; fair; neat; proper; respectable; right; sporting
bien pesé convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid deliberate; well considered; well-thought-out
convaincant acceptable; believable; credible; likely; plausible; reasonable; reliable conclusive; convincing; effective; pressing
convenable fair; fitting; moderate; reasonable; tolerable adequate; agreeable; applicable; apposite; appropriate; apt; aristocratic; as it should be; becoming; befitting; benevolent; chivalrous; civil; clean; courteous; decent; dignified; distinguished; effective; efficient; elegant; eminent; fair; fine; fit; fitting; genial; good-natured; graceful; grand; great; high-bred; honest; kind; lofty; majestic; majestically; mild; neat; passable; pleasant; pompous; prominent; proper; properly; readily; refined; relevant; reputable; respectable; right; seemly; solemnly; sophisticated; stylish; suitable; suitably; tolerable; virtuous; well-mannered; willingly; worthy
convenablement fair; moderate; reasonable; tolerable applicable; apposite; appropriate; apt; aristocratic; as it should be; becoming; befitting; civil; clean; decent; distinguished; eminent; fair; fitting; grand; high-bred; honest; lofty; majestic; majestically; neat; pompous; prominent; proper; properly; relevant; reputable; respectable; right; seemly; solemnly; suitable; suitably; virtuous; worthy
correct reasonable; tolerable accurate; as it should be; becoming; befitting; blameless; chivalrous; civil; clean; correct; courteous; decent; dignified; exactly; fair; faultless; fitting; flawless; honest; honorable; honourable; impeccable; infallible; just; neat; perfect; precise; proper; properly; reputable; respectable; right; suitably; virtuous; well-mannered; worthy
crédible acceptable; believable; convincing; credible; legitimate; likely; plausible; reasonable; reliable; solid; sound; valid
d'une façon convaincante acceptable; believable; credible; likely; plausible; reasonable; reliable conclusive; convincing; effective
d'une manière vraisemblable acceptable; believable; credible; likely; plausible; reasonable; reliable
de façon vraisemblable acceptable; believable; credible; likely; plausible; reasonable; reliable
fondé convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid careful; exhaustive; founded; justified; lawful; legitimate; set up; thorough; underpinned; valid; warranted
irrefutable convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid
juste convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid accurate; actually; cantankerous; careful; certainly; close; closely; concentrated; correct; crabbed; crusty; definitely; even; exact; exactly; factually; fair; genuinely; gruff; grumpy; honest; honorable; honourable; incorruptible; indeed; intently; just; lawful; legitimate; nagging; narrowly; one minute ago; only; precise; really; right; right-minded; righteous; rigid; sincere; sporting; strenuous; sullen; surely; surly; thorough; tight; true; true-hearted; truethfull; truthfully; undiscussed; upright; valid; with concentration
légitime convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid authorised; authorized; competent; entitled; fair; granted the right; honest; honorable; honourable; just; justified; lawful; legal; legitimate; on legitimate grounds; right; right-minded; righteous; rightful; sincere; skilled; sporting; true-hearted; upright; valid; valid in law; warranted
médité convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid
mûri convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid
plausible acceptable; believable; convincing; credible; legitimate; likely; plausible; reasonable; reliable; solid; sound; valid likely; plausible; plausibly; presumably; probable
plausiblement acceptable; believable; credible; likely; plausible; reasonable; reliable likely; plausible; plausibly; presumably; probable
probable acceptable; believable; credible; likely; plausible; reasonable; reliable likely; plausible; plausibly; presumably; probable
qui tient debout convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid
raisonable fair; moderate; reasonable
raisonablement fair; moderate; reasonable
raisonnable convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid affordable; bright; clever; fair; intelligent; justified; lawful; legitimate; passable; payable; profoundly; rational; reasonably priced; right-thinking; rightful; sane; sensible; smart; tolerable; warranted; wise
raisonnablement convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid bright; clever; intelligent; justified; lawful; legitimate; profoundly; rational; right-thinking; rightful; sane; sensible; smart; warranted; wise
respectable reasonable; tolerable big; chivalrous; considerable; conspicuous; courteous; decent; dignified; eminent; enormous; estimable; formidable; great; high-placed; high-ranking; high-seated; highly placed; honorable; honourable; huge; impressive; large; leading; mighty; neat; notable; powerful; prominent; proper; properly; remarkable; reputable; respectable; striking; substantial; tall; terrible; tremendous; vast; venerable; well-mannered
réfléchi convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid alert; attentive; cautious; purposeful; reflexive; vigilant; watchful; well considered; well thought; well thought-out
solide convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid considerable; considerably; decisive; durable; elaborate; firm; fixed; forceful; generously; grounded; hefty; morally strong; muscular; permanent; powerfully built; reliable; resolute; robust; sizable; solid; sound; stable; standing-on; staunch; steady; stiff; stout; strong; sturdy; substantial; tough; unshakable; well built
solidement convincing; legitimate; reasonable; solid; sound; valid decisive; firm; fixed; hefty; permanent; powerfully built; resolute; solid; sound; stable; standing-on; staunch; steady; stiff; stout; sturdy; unshakable
vraisemblable acceptable; believable; convincing; credible; legitimate; likely; plausible; reasonable; reliable; solid; sound; valid likely; plausible; plausibly; presumably; probable

Verwandte Wörter für "reasonable":

Synonyms for "reasonable":

Antonyme für "reasonable":

Verwandte Definitionen für "reasonable":

  1. not excessive or extreme1
    • reasonable prices1
  2. marked by sound judgment1
  3. showing reason or sound judgment1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für reasonable:

  1. just; fair; agreeable to reason
  2. satisfactory
  1. rare|fr Qu’on peut aborder.
  2. Qui pouvoir être admettre.
  3. Qui douer de raison, qui a la faculté de raisonner.
  4. didactique|fr Ce que l’on ne conçoit que par l’entendement.
  5. Qui est prudent, circonspect, judicieux; qui a un sentiment juste des choses. (Sens général).

Cross Translation:
reasonable sensé; raisonnable; intelligent verstandig — met verstand
reasonable raisonné vernünftig — seinen Verstand (Vernunft) gebrauchend; im Gegensatz dazu, nach Emotionen zu handeln


reason [the ~] Nomen

  1. the reason (cause; immediate cause; motive)
    la raison; la cause; la provocation; le motif; le fondement; le germe
  2. the reason (mind; awareness)
    la compréhension; l'esprit
  3. the reason (immediate cause; cause)
    la raison; la cause directe

to reason Verb (reasons, reasoned, reasoning)

  1. to reason (argue)
    raisonner; argumenter
    • raisonner Verb (raisonne, raisonnes, raisonnons, raisonnez, )
    • argumenter Verb (argumente, argumentes, argumentons, argumentez, )

Konjugationen für reason:

  1. reason
  2. reason
  3. reasons
  4. reason
  5. reason
  6. reason
simple past
  1. reasoned
  2. reasoned
  3. reasoned
  4. reasoned
  5. reasoned
  6. reasoned
present perfect
  1. have reasoned
  2. have reasoned
  3. has reasoned
  4. have reasoned
  5. have reasoned
  6. have reasoned
past continuous
  1. was reasoning
  2. were reasoning
  3. was reasoning
  4. were reasoning
  5. were reasoning
  6. were reasoning
  1. shall reason
  2. will reason
  3. will reason
  4. shall reason
  5. will reason
  6. will reason
continuous present
  1. am reasoning
  2. are reasoning
  3. is reasoning
  4. are reasoning
  5. are reasoning
  6. are reasoning
  1. be reasoned
  2. be reasoned
  3. be reasoned
  4. be reasoned
  5. be reasoned
  6. be reasoned
  1. reason!
  2. let's reason!
  3. reasoned
  4. reasoning
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Übersetzung Matrix für reason:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
cause cause; immediate cause; motive; reason bringing about; cause; causing
cause directe cause; immediate cause; reason
compréhension awareness; mind; reason ability to understand; acumen; acuteness; awareness; brain; comprehension; concept; conception; consciousness; discernment; grasp; idea; insight; intellectual grasp; keen perception; mental grasp; notion; perception; realisation; realization; sagacity; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness; understanding
esprit awareness; mind; reason apparition; belief; brainpower; brilliance; creed; disposition; divine worship; drift; elf; faith; frame of mind; fun; genius; ghost; ghostly apparition; humor; humour; inclination; ingenuity; intellect; intelligence; inventiveness; mental capacity; methylated spirit; mood; nature; phantom; religion; religious conviction; resourcefulness; sense; specter; spectre; spirit; spirits; spook; temper; tendency; thought; understanding
fondement cause; immediate cause; motive; reason basic rule; basic thought; basis; foundation; fundamental idea; initial concept; principle; rule of life
germe cause; immediate cause; motive; reason germ; germule; seed; seeds
motif cause; immediate cause; motive; reason cause; design; drawing; item; motive; pattern; principal theme; subject; subject matter; theme; topic
provocation cause; immediate cause; motive; reason alluring; begetting; bringing about; causing; challenge; effect; incitement; incitement to; instigation; instigation to; procreation; provocation; provoking; stirring up
raison cause; immediate cause; motive; reason apparition; brainpower; cause; fairness; frame of mind; genius; ghost; ghostly apparition; humor; humour; intellect; intellectual powers; intelligence; judiciousness; mental capacity; moderation; mood; phantom; propriety; reasonableness; right; seemliness; sense; specter; spectre; spook; suitability; temper; thought; wisdom
- cause; ground; grounds; intellect; rationality; reasonableness; sense; understanding
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
argumenter argue; reason altercate; argue; assert; bicker; contend; debate; demonstrate; discuss; dispute; do as if; feign; make trouble; pretend; quarrel; sham; wrangle
raisonner argue; reason
- argue; conclude; reason out

Verwandte Wörter für "reason":

Synonyms for "reason":

Verwandte Definitionen für "reason":

  1. the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination1
    • we are told that man is endowed with reason and capable of distinguishing good from evil1
  2. a fact that logically justifies some premise or conclusion1
    • there is reason to believe he is lying1
  3. an explanation of the cause of some phenomenon1
    • the reason a steady state was never reached was that the back pressure built up too slowly1
  4. a justification for something existing or happening1
    • they had good reason to rejoice1
  5. a rational motive for a belief or action1
    • the reason that war was declared1
  6. the state of having good sense and sound judgment1
    • he had to rely less on reason than on rousing their emotions1
  7. think logically1
    • The children must learn to reason1
  8. decide by reasoning; draw or come to a conclusion1
    • We reasoned that it was cheaper to rent than to buy a house1
  9. present reasons and arguments1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für reason:

  1. that which causes: a cause
  2. (the capacity of the human mind for) rational thinking
  3. translations to be checked: "due exercise of the reasoning faculty"
  4. translations to be checked: basic meaning "cause"
  1. Ce qui fait qu’une chose est ou s’opère.
  2. philosophie|fr faculté par laquelle l’esprit concevoir.
  3. raison que l’on alléguer pour expliquer ou atténuer une faute.
  4. Traductions à trier suivant le sens
  5. prudence, circonspection, sentiment juste des choses.
  1. Se servir de sa raison pour connaître, pour juger.

Cross Translation:
reason raison reden — een motivatie door iemand bedacht of beredeneerd
reason raison argument — een reden om iets te doen
reason justification Begründung — Angabe von Gründen, Rechtfertigung
reason circonstance BewandtnisMerkmal, Beschaffenheit, Sinn, Zweck, Hintergrund einer Sache oder Person
reason cause; raison Grund — das, durch was die Richtigkeit von etwas gerechtfertigt ist bzw. erklärt oder widerlegt wird: Ursache, Veranlassung
reason raison Ratiobildungssprachlich: logischen Schlüssen folgender Verstand; Vernunft
reason cause Ursache — vorhergehender Sachverhalt, der einen momentanen Sachverhalt wesentlich bestimmt hat
reason raison Vernunft — das geistige Vermögen, womit ein Mensch die aufgenommenen Gegenstände in sich verarbeiten, d. h. Zusammenhänge zu erkennen, zu beurteilen, zu überschauen und sich dementsprechend sinnvoll und zweckmäßig zu verhalten
reason raison Verstand — Eigenschaft, logisch und rationell zu denken
reason raison Anlass — Beweggrund oder Ursache
reason réfléchir; cogiter; gamberger überlegen — mit einem bestimmten Ziel nachdenken, in Gedanken versinken, etwas überdenken

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