
Detailübersetzungen für lamenting (Englisch) ins Spanisch


lamenting [the ~] Nomen

  1. the lamenting (sobbing; crying; moaning; )
    el lloriqueo; el llanto; el gemido; el aullido; el gemidos

Übersetzung Matrix für lamenting:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
aullido crying; howling; lamentations; lamenting; moaning; sobbing; wailing; whimpering; whining; yelping barking; howling; howling of the wind; name-calling; roaring; yapping; yelling; yelping
cargante chammy; chamois; chamois leather; shammy; wash leather
gemido crying; howling; lamentations; lamenting; moaning; sobbing; wailing; whimpering; whining; yelping a pity; groaning; groans; howling; lamentations; moaning; moans; name-calling; roaring; sigh; wailing; yelling
gemidos crying; howling; lamentations; lamenting; moaning; sobbing; wailing; whimpering; whining; yelping
gruñón brooder; chronic grumbler; curmudgeon; groaner; grouch; grouser; grumbler; moaner; mope; worrier; worry-guts
llanto crying; howling; lamentations; lamenting; moaning; sobbing; wailing; whimpering; whining; yelping complaint; howling; lamentations; objection; opposition; resistance; sob; wailing; whine
lloriqueo crying; howling; lamentations; lamenting; moaning; sobbing; wailing; whimpering; whining; yelping chirp; chirrup; lamentation; peeping; sob; squeaking; twitter; whine
malhumorado curmudgeon; peevish person; sourpuss
pesado asshole; bore; creep; duffer; handful; mope; moper; nasty piece of work; nuisance; pain in the ass; pain in the neck; pest; rotter; scoundrel; troublemaker; wet; wet blanket; wretch; wretched fellow
AdjectiveVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- wailful; wailing
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
cargante complaining; lamenting; plaintive; wailing; woeful; wretched complaining; driven; energetic
desabrido bad tempered; cantankerous; complaining; crabbed; crusty; grumpy; lamenting; moody; wailing against the grain; awkward; bad-tempered; boring; bothersome; cantankerous; catty; chilli; chilly; clammy; cold; cold and damp; complaining; crabbed; creepy; crusty; disagreeable; drab; dreary; dull; eerie; exacting; faint; gruff; grumbling; grumpy; headstrong; inconvenient; lugubrious; moody; nagging; obstinate; peevish; pig-headed; querulous; recalcitrant; repulsive; rigid; scary; sinister; stiff; stubborn; sulky; sullen; surly; unappetising; unappetizing; unsavory; unsavoury
doloroso complaining; lamenting; plaintive; wailing; woeful; wretched acute; awkward; biting; clever; cutting; deeply; disgraceful; disgusting; full of sadness; grievous; heart rending; indecent; keen; objectionable; offending; offensive; outrageous; pained; painful; plaintive; sad; saddened; scandalous; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; sorrowful; sorry; stinging; woeful
en tono de mal humor bad tempered; cantankerous; complaining; crabbed; crusty; grumpy; lamenting; moody; wailing
gruñón bad tempered; cantankerous; complaining; crabbed; crusty; grumpy; lamenting; moody; wailing cantankerous; crabbed; crusty; edgy; gruff; grumbling; grumpy; irritated; nagging; rigid; sulky; sullen; surly; vexed
hosco bad tempered; cantankerous; complaining; crabbed; crusty; grumpy; lamenting; moody; wailing against the grain; cantankerous; churlish; complaining; crabbed; crusty; fixed; fossilised; fossilized; gruff; grumpy; headstrong; immovable; inflexible; nagging; obstinate; petrified; pig-headed; razor-sharp; recalcitrant; rigid; set; sharp; star; stern; stiff; straight-backed; stubborn; sullen; surly; unbending
irritado bad tempered; cantankerous; complaining; crabbed; crusty; grumpy; lamenting; moody; wailing annoyed; bad-tempered; bothered; discontented; disgruntled; displeased; displeased with; dissatisfied; edgy; fucked up; inflamed; irritated; nettled; piqued; pissed off; put out; quick tempered; resentful; sore; vexed; worked up; wrought up
lamentable complaining; lamenting; plaintive; wailing; woeful; wretched abominable; dejected; depressed; despondent; discouraged; disheartened; dismal; dispirited; distressed; distressful; dizy; eccentric; exceptional; extremely; gloomy; greatly; highly; low spirited; meager; meagre; miserable; naseaus; paltry; particular; pathetic; pessimistic; pitiful; plaintive; poor; ragged; rotten; sad; shabby; shady; sorrowful; sorry; special; terrible; ultra; unfortunate; unsightly; weak; woeful; wretched
lastimoso complaining; lamenting; plaintive; wailing; woeful; wretched awkward; capricious; complaining; dismal; distressful; grumbling; grumpy; miserable; naseaus; pathetic; peevish; pitiful; plaintive; rotten; sad; sorrowful; sorry; woeful; wretched
malhumorado bad tempered; cantankerous; complaining; crabbed; crusty; grumpy; lamenting; moody; wailing bad-tempered; cantankerous; capricious; crabbed; crusty; discontented; disgruntled; displeased; dissatisfied; edgy; gruff; grumbling; grumpy; irritated; moody; nagging; nettled; peevish; piqued; put out; rigid; sore; stiff; sulky; sullen; surly; vexed
pesado complaining; lamenting; plaintive; wailing; woeful; wretched aggravating; annoying; boring; burdensome; chubby; complaining; corny; dawdling; deadly dull; drab; dragging; dreadful; dreary; driven; drooping; dull; energetic; exasperating; filling; formidable; heavy; inactive; incriminating; indolent; inert; irritating; languid; lazy; limp; lingering; listless; mighty; obese; oppressing; oppressive; passive; plump; powerful; rich; shuffling; slow; slow of understanding; sluggish; squat; stout; tardy; tiresome; tough; tremendous; tricky
plañidero complaining; lamenting; plaintive; wailing; woeful; wretched plaintive; sad; sorrowful; sorry; woeful
quejicoso complaining; lamenting; plaintive; wailing; woeful; wretched complaining
quejoso complaining; lamenting; moaning; plaintive; wailing; whining; woeful; wretched plaintive; sad; sorrowful; sorry; woeful
quejumbroso complaining; lamenting; moaning; whining; woeful; wretched complaining; plaintive; sad; sorrowful; sorry; woeful

Verwandte Wörter für "lamenting":

Synonyms for "lamenting":

Verwandte Definitionen für "lamenting":

  1. vocally expressing grief or sorrow or resembling such expression1
    • lamenting sinners1


to lament Verb (laments, lamented, lamenting)

  1. to lament (wail; complain; make complaints)
  2. to lament (yammer; whimper; yack; whine; whinge)
  3. to lament
  4. to lament

Konjugationen für lament:

  1. lament
  2. lament
  3. laments
  4. lament
  5. lament
  6. lament
simple past
  1. lamented
  2. lamented
  3. lamented
  4. lamented
  5. lamented
  6. lamented
present perfect
  1. have lamented
  2. have lamented
  3. has lamented
  4. have lamented
  5. have lamented
  6. have lamented
past continuous
  1. was lamenting
  2. were lamenting
  3. was lamenting
  4. were lamenting
  5. were lamenting
  6. were lamenting
  1. shall lament
  2. will lament
  3. will lament
  4. shall lament
  5. will lament
  6. will lament
continuous present
  1. am lamenting
  2. are lamenting
  3. is lamenting
  4. are lamenting
  5. are lamenting
  6. are lamenting
  1. be lamented
  2. be lamented
  3. be lamented
  4. be lamented
  5. be lamented
  6. be lamented
  1. lament!
  2. let's lament!
  3. lamented
  4. lamenting
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

lament [the ~] Nomen

  1. the lament (elegiac poem; lamentation; elegy)
    la endecha; la elegía; el poema elegíaco
  2. the lament (requiem; funeral song; eulogy; dirge)
    el canto fúnebre; el réquiem; la misa de difuntos; la misa de réquiem
  3. the lament (wail)

Übersetzung Matrix für lament:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
canto fúnebre dirge; eulogy; funeral song; lament; requiem dirge; elegy; funeral song; lamentation
elegía elegiac poem; elegy; lament; lamentation dirge; elegy; lamentation
endecha elegiac poem; elegy; lament; lamentation
lamentación fúnebre lament; wail
misa de difuntos dirge; eulogy; funeral song; lament; requiem funeral service; requiem; requiem mass
misa de réquiem dirge; eulogy; funeral song; lament; requiem requiem
poema elegíaco elegiac poem; elegy; lament; lamentation
poema mortuorio lament; wail
réquiem dirge; eulogy; funeral song; lament; requiem dirge; elegy; funeral song; lamentation; requiem
- coronach; dirge; elegy; lamentation; plaint; requiem; threnody; wail
VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
gemir complain; lament; make complaints; wail; whimper; whine; whinge; yack; yammer complain; cry; groan; let on; moan; shout; shriek; squeal; tell tales; wail; whimper; whine; whinge; yammer
lamentar lament; whimper; whine; whinge; yack; yammer be sorry; be sorry for; complain; complaint; deeply regret; deplore; gripe; harp; have mercy upon; nag; pity; regret; wail; whinge; yammer
lamentarse lament complain; express displeasure; wail; whimper; whine; whinge; yammer
llorar la meurte de alguien lament
plañir lament blubber; cry; snivel; sob; wail; weep; whimper
plañirse complain; lament; make complaints; wail
quejarse complain; lament; make complaints; wail be a pain in the neck; complain; express displeasure; keep on; nag; wail; whimper; whine; whinge; yammer
- bemoan; bewail; deplore; keen

Verwandte Wörter für "lament":

Synonyms for "lament":

Verwandte Definitionen für "lament":

  1. a mournful poem; a lament for the dead1
  2. a song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person1
  3. a cry of sorrow and grief1
    • their pitiful laments could be heard throughout the ward1
  4. regret strongly1
    • we lamented the loss of benefits1
  5. express grief verbally1
    • we lamented the death of the child1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für lament:

  1. express grief
  1. expression of grief, suffering, or sadness

Cross Translation:
lament clamar jammeren — klagende, huilende geluiden maken
lament lamentarse jammern — sich weinerlich (und traurig) beschweren, wehklagen
lament lamentar lamentierenabwertend: jammern, klagen
lament pleito; acusación; cargo; denuncia plainte — Traductions à trier suivant le sens

Computerübersetzung von Drittern: