
Detailübersetzungen für indistinct (Englisch) ins Spanisch


indistinct Adjektiv

  1. indistinct (inconvenient; unclear; obscure)
    confuso; poco claro; vago; sin visibilidad
  2. indistinct (unclear; obscure; vague)
    vago; tenebroso; poco claro; oscuro; siniestro; sospechoso; confuso; opaco; misterioso; sombrío; obscuro; tétrico; lóbrego; lanoso; poco fiable; sospechosamente; lanífero
  3. indistinct (out of order; faulty; obscure; unclear)

Übersetzung Matrix für indistinct:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
siniestro calamity; catastrophe; insurance claim
vago idler; layabout; lazy bones; loafer; loiterer; lounger; skulker; slacker; sloth; sluggard; twerp; work-shy
ModifierVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
averiado faulty; indistinct; obscure; out of order; unclear bankrupt; battered; broken; cracked; crushed; damaged; dilapidated; gone to pieces; in rags; in shreds; moth eaten; ruptured; snapped; tattered; to pieces; torn
confuso inconvenient; indistinct; obscure; unclear; vague aghast; appalled; baffled; bashful; blurred; confused; crazy; crestfallen; daft; dazed; diffident; diffuse; dim; dismayed; disordered; dumbfounded; faint; flabbergasted; foolish; funny; glum; hazy; idiotic; in a daze; insane; mad; mentally confused; misty; nontransparent; not bright; not clear; odd; opaque; perplexed; ridiculous; shy; silly; stunned; stupid; taken aback; timid; turbid; unclear; undefinable; upset; vague; vaguely
defectuoso faulty; indistinct; obscure; out of order; unclear deficient; imperfect; not bright; not clear; turbid
desarreglado faulty; indistinct; obscure; out of order; unclear chaotic; confused; disorderly; disorederly; disorganised; disorganized; inattentive; lawless; littered; mixed up; negligent; pell mell; undisciplined; unkempt; untidy; wild
estropeado faulty; indistinct; obscure; out of order; unclear battered; broken; buggered up; bust; cut up; damaged; defective; dilapidated; disfigured; in rags; in shreds; injured; marked; moth eaten; on the blink; out of order; ruined; sliced; spoilt; tattered; to pieces; torn; worn; worn out; worn with age; wounded
lanoso indistinct; obscure; unclear; vague woolen; woollen; woolly; wooly
lanífero indistinct; obscure; unclear; vague
lóbrego indistinct; obscure; unclear; vague creepy; deceitful; eerie; lugubrious; mendacious; miserable; naseaus; rotten; scary; sinister; unreliable; wretched
misterioso indistinct; obscure; unclear; vague deceitful; enigmatic; mendacious; mysterious; not bright; not clear; turbid; unreliable
no funciona faulty; indistinct; obscure; out of order; unclear
obscuro indistinct; obscure; unclear; vague deceitful; mendacious; unreliable
opaco indistinct; obscure; unclear; vague blurred; dusted; filmy; frosted; hazy; intransparency; lightproof; lighttight; matted; misty; muzzy; nontransparent; opaque; powdered; shrouded; vague; veiled
oscuro indistinct; obscure; unclear; vague cheerless; creepy; dark; deceitful; drab; dubious; gloomy; grey; grimy; joyless; mat; melancholic; mendacious; moody; nasty; obscure; pensive; problematic; questionable; sad; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; somber; sombre; suspect; suspicious; triste; uncertain; unlit; unreliable; wistful
poco claro inconvenient; indistinct; obscure; unclear; vague nontransparent; opaque; unclear; vague; vaguely
poco fiable indistinct; obscure; unclear; vague deceitful; false; lying; mendacious; unreliable; untruthful
roto faulty; indistinct; obscure; out of order; unclear blighted; broken; broken through; bust; defective; demolished; destroyed; knocked down; on the blink; out of order; pulled down; ruined; ruptured; to pieces; torn; torn down
sin visibilidad inconvenient; indistinct; obscure; unclear nontransparent; opaque; unclear
siniestro indistinct; obscure; unclear; vague creepy; deceitful; dubious; eerie; frightening; grimy; lugubrious; mendacious; nasty; obscure; ominous; problematic; questionable; repulsive; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; terrifying; unappetising; unappetizing; uncertain; unreliable; unsavory; unsavoury
sombrío indistinct; obscure; unclear; vague a pity; cheerless; clowdy; creepy; deceitful; dejected; depressed; despondent; disconsolate; discouraged; diseased; disheartened; dismal; dispirited; drab; dreary; dubious; dull; eerie; gloomy; grey; grimy; ill; joyless; low spirited; lugubrious; mat; melancholic; mendacious; miserable; morbid; naseaus; nasty; obscure; ominous; pessimistic; problematic; questionable; rotten; sad; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suffering from a disease; suspect; suspicious; too bad; uncertain; unreliable; wistful; wretched
sospechosamente indistinct; obscure; unclear; vague deceitful; mendacious; ominous; sinister; unreliable
sospechoso indistinct; obscure; unclear; vague changeable; contested; controversial; creepy; debatable; deceitful; dishonest; disputable; disputed; dubious; eerie; false; grimy; imputable; lugubrious; lying; mendacious; nasty; obscure; ominous; open to question; problematic; questionable; repulsive; scary; shady; shifty; sinister; slimy; suspect; suspicious; unappetising; unappetizing; uncertain; unreliable; unsavory; unsavoury; unstable; untruthful; variable; varying
tenebroso indistinct; obscure; unclear; vague cheerless; creepy; deceitful; gloomy; joyless; mendacious; moody; not bright; not clear; ominous; pensive; sad; scary; sinister; somber; sombre; triste; turbid; unreliable; wistful
tétrico indistinct; obscure; unclear; vague a pity; deceitful; dejected; depressed; despondent; discouraged; disheartened; dispirited; gloomy; low spirited; mendacious; miserable; naseaus; ominous; pessimistic; rotten; sinister; too bad; unreliable; wretched
vago inconvenient; indistinct; obscure; unclear; vague alarming; bearing no interests; bland; blurred; creepy; deceitful; dim; faded; faint; foggy; frightening; frightful; grisly; hazy; idle; imminent; impending; indeterminate; lurid; mendacious; misty; nontransparent; not bright; not clear; ominous; opaque; out of focus; pale; sallow; scary; shadowy; sinister; spooky; terrifying; threatening; turbid; uncertain; unclear; undefinable; unreliable; vague; vaguely; washed out

Verwandte Wörter für "indistinct":

Synonyms for "indistinct":

Antonyme für "indistinct":

Verwandte Definitionen für "indistinct":

  1. not clearly defined or easy to perceive or understand1
    • indistinct shapes in the gloom1
    • an indistinct memory1
    • only indistinct notions of what to do1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für indistinct:

  1. not clearly defined

Cross Translation:
indistinct indistinto undeutlich — nicht deutlich wahrnehmbar
indistinct frondoso; espeso; denso touffu — Qui est en touffe, qui est épais, bien garnir.

Computerübersetzung von Drittern: