
Detailübersetzungen für detachment (Englisch) ins Spanisch


detachment [the ~] Nomen

  1. the detachment (department; division; section; )
    el departamento; la sección; la división; la parte; la unidad; la rama; el recambio accesorio; la capa; el destacamento; el sector; el segmento; la categoría; el cuerpo; el estrato; la brigada; la pieza; el ramo; el nudo; la dependencia; la articulación; la disciplina; la porción; la fracción; la autopsia; el escuadrón; la juntura; el ramificación; el grupo parlamentario
  2. the detachment (air of distance; coldness; coolness; cold; cool)
    el frío; la distancia; la frescura; la aire de distancia
  3. the detachment (frankness; open-heartedness; candour; candor)
    el candor; la franqueza; la apertura; la abertura; la transparencia; la oportunidad; la distinción; el orden; la limpieza; la fidelidad; la lealtad; la conveniencia; la sinceridad; la veracidad; la integridad; la honestidad; la cordialidad; la honradez; la ingenuidad; el primor; la redondez; la decencia; la elegancia; la desenvoltura; la imparcialidad; la pulcritud; el buenos modales; la exquisitez; la candidez; la objetividad; el buen humor; la respetabilidad; la honorabilidad; la jovialidad; la alegría apacible; el sistematismo; la buenas costumbres; el genio festivo
  4. the detachment (open-mindedness; frankness)
    la franqueza; la abertura; la ingenuidad; la desenvoltura; la espontaneidad; la imparcialidad

Übersetzung Matrix für detachment:

NounVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
abertura candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness; open-mindedness back street; backside; beginning; candor; candour; commencement; cranny; crevice; dump; fissure; hamlet; hole; honesty; integrity; leak; leakage; look; open-heartedness; opening; outset; probity; punch-mark; puncture; recess; rump; slash; slit; slum; slum dwelling; space; start; tailpiece; uprightness; view; viewing hole
aire de distancia air of distance; cold; coldness; cool; coolness; detachment
alegría apacible candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness civility; courtesy; courtliness; decency; etiquette; gallantry; good breeding; good manners; manners; neatness; orderliness; propriety; tidiness
apertura candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness candor; candour; dilatation; disclosure; hamlet; honesty; integrity; open-heartedness; opening; probity; shorts; supporting program; supporting programme; uprightness
articulación branch; brigade; department; detachment; division; section; ward articulation; ball-and-socket joint; clarification; clearing; cock; communication; dick; elucidation; enlightenment; enunciation; explaining; explanation; expression; hinge; hinge joint; information; joint; judgement; ligature; member; member of the congregation; notice; penis; prick; pronunciation; rod; sod; utterance; verdict; willie
autopsia branch; brigade; department; detachment; division; section; ward autopsy; dissection; necropsy; post mortem; post-mortem
brigada branch; brigade; department; detachment; division; section; ward brigade; division; section
buen humor candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness brightfulness; carousing; cheerfulness; civility; courtesy; courtliness; decency; etiquette; fun; gallantry; good breeding; good manners; good spirits; happiness; high spirits; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; manners; merriment; mirth; pleasure; propriety; revelry; roistering
buenas costumbres candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness decency; ethics; morality; neatness; orderliness; tidiness
buenos modales candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness civility; courtesy; courtliness; decency; etiquette; faultlessness; gallantry; good breeding; good manners; impeccability; irreprochability; joy; light-heartedness; manners; merriment; mirth; neatness; orderliness; perfection; pleasure; propriety; purity; soundness; spotlessness; stainlessness; tidiness
candidez candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness candor; candour; credulity; gullibility; honesty; innocence; integrity; naiveté; naïvety; open-heartedness; probity; purity; sense of truth; uprightness
candor candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness candor; candour; honesty; integrity; open-heartedness; probity; uprightness
capa branch; brigade; department; detachment; division; section; ward cape; class; cloak; coat; coating; cover; cover leaf; echelon; film; flyleaf; front; hull; husk; jacket; layer; level; position; roll of film; scallop; shell; social class; social group; social position; thin layer; wrapper
categoría branch; brigade; department; detachment; division; section; ward category; class; classification; color category; genre; group; kind; level; order of rank; party; position; rank; social class; social group; social position; sort; style; type
conveniencia candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness ability; advantage; advisability; appropriateness; becomingness; benefit; civility; courtesy; courtliness; decency; desirability; earnings; economy; etiquette; faultlessness; gain; gallantry; gentility; good breeding; good manners; impeccability; irreprochability; joy; light-heartedness; manners; merriment; mirth; neatness; orderliness; output; perfection; pleasure; profit; propriety; purity; respectability; return; seemliness; soundness; spotlessness; stainlessness; suitability; suitableness; take; tidiness; use; usefulness; value; victory; winning; yield
cordialidad candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness amiability; amicableness; candor; candour; chumminess; companionableness; conviviality; cordiality; cosiness; courtesy; coziness; friendliness; geniality; goodwill; heartiness; honesty; hospitality; integrity; kindness; open-heartedness; probity; snugness; sociability; uprightness; warm-heartedness
cuerpo branch; brigade; department; detachment; division; section; ward anatomy; bodice; body; carrion; commercial enterprise; concern; corps; corps of students; corpse; corpus; corsage; dead body; division; human body; trading company
decencia candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness becomingness; chastity; civility; decency; decorum; etiquette; gentility; modesty; neatness; orderliness; politeness; propriety; respectability; rules of etiquette; seemliness; social convention; solidity; soundness; suitableness; tidiness; virtue
departamento branch; brigade; department; detachment; division; section; ward area; branch; department; department (France); district; division; ministry; office; territory
dependencia branch; brigade; department; detachment; division; section; ward addiction; addition; annex; auxiliary branche; dependence; enlargement; expansion; extension; limb; part of the body; subordination
desenvoltura candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness; open-mindedness boldness; brutality; candor; candour; forwardness; frankness; impertinence; impudence; insolence; rudeness; smartness; spruceness
destacamento branch; brigade; department; detachment; division; section; ward
disciplina branch; brigade; department; detachment; division; section; ward discipline; limb; part of the body; regulation; specialism
distancia air of distance; cold; coldness; cool; coolness; detachment bit; cleft; distance; end; little way; space; width
distinción candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness badge; becomingness; civility; decency; decoration; definition; difference; differentiate; distinction; distinction of manner; distinguishing; gentility; insignia; mark; propriety; respectability; seemliness; stateliness
división branch; brigade; department; detachment; division; section; ward army unit; arrangement; bifurcation; branch; breaking off; brigade; classification; crossroads; crossways; department; disposition; divide into; division; fork; fork of a road; marshalling; partition; position; ranging; road junction; section; septum; split; splitting; three forked road
elegancia candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness amiability; benevolence; charm; civility; clemency; courtesy; courtliness; decency; distinction; distinction of manner; elegance; etiquette; faultlessness; finesse; gallantry; good breeding; good manners; gracefulness; impeccability; irreprochability; joy; light-heartedness; loving kindness; manners; mercy; merriment; mirth; neatness; orderliness; perfection; pleasure; propriety; purity; respectability; soundness; spotlessness; stainlessness; stateliness; sweetness; tidiness
escuadrón branch; brigade; department; detachment; division; section; ward brigade; division; navy escadre; section; squadron
espontaneidad detachment; frankness; open-mindedness boldness; candor; candour; frankness; spontaneity; unconstraint
estrato branch; brigade; department; detachment; division; section; ward echelon; level
exquisitez candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness blessedness; bliss; civility; decency; deliciousness; delightfulness; glory; happiness; joy; magnificence; neatness; orderliness; propriety; respectability; splendidness; tidiness; well-being
fidelidad candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness affection; attachment; candor; candour; dedication; devotion; faithfulness; fealty; fidelity; fondness; honesty; integrity; loyalty; open-heartedness; probity; uprightness
fracción branch; brigade; department; detachment; division; section; ward crack; cracking; crash; flaw; fraction; interference; interruption; intervention; meddling; part; piece; portion; power block; section; segment; severance
franqueza candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness; open-mindedness boldness; candor; candour; directness; frankness; purity; sense of truth
frescura air of distance; cold; coldness; cool; coolness; detachment boldness; brazenness; brutality; chilliness; cold; coldness; cool; coolness; effrontery; forwardness; freshness; impertinence; impudence; insolence; newness; rudeness; shamelessness
frío air of distance; cold; coldness; cool; coolness; detachment chilliness; cold; coldness; cool; coolness; freshness
genio festivo candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness brightfulness; carousing; cheerfulness; civility; courtesy; courtliness; decency; etiquette; fun; gallantry; good breeding; good manners; good spirits; happiness; joy; joyfulness; lightheartedness; manners; merriment; mirth; pleasure; propriety; revelry; roistering
grupo parlamentario branch; brigade; department; detachment; division; section; ward Congres party; Parliamentary group; parliamentary party; party in the House
honestidad candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness amiability; benevolence; candor; candour; clemency; consideration; decency; faithfulness; faultlessness; fealty; fidelity; good-nature; goodness; honesty; impeccability; indulgence; integrity; irreprochability; joy; kindness; leniency; light-heartedness; loyalty; mercy; merriment; mildness; mirth; neatness; open-heartedness; orderliness; perfection; pleasure; probity; purity; soundness; spotlessness; stainlessness; tidiness; tolerancy; uprightness; virtue
honorabilidad candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness civility; decency; faultlessness; impeccability; irreprochability; joy; light-heartedness; merriment; mirth; neatness; orderliness; perfection; pleasure; propriety; purity; respectability; soundness; spotlessness; stainlessness; tidiness; virtue
honradez candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness amiability; benevolence; candor; candour; civility; clemency; consideration; decency; good-nature; goodness; honesty; indulgence; integrity; kindness; leniency; mercy; merit; mildness; neatness; open-heartedness; orderliness; probity; propriety; respectability; tidiness; tolerancy; uprightness; virtue
imparcialidad candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness; open-mindedness impartiality; objectiveness; objectivity
ingenuidad candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness; open-mindedness boldness; candor; candour; credulity; frankness; gullibility; innocence; naiveté; naïvety; simplicity; unaffectedness
integridad candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness completeness; data integrity; faithfulness; fealty; fidelity; flawlessness; fullness; integrity; loyalty; soundness; uprightness
jovialidad candor; candour; detachment; frankness; open-heartedness amiability; brightfulness; carousing; cheerfulness; civility; cordiality; courtesy; courtliness; decency; etiquette; faultlessness; friendliness; fun; gallantry; geniality; good breeding; good manners; good spirits; goodwill; happiness; heartiness; impeccability; irreprochability; joy; joyfulness; kindness; light-heartedness; lightheartedness; manners; merriment; mirth; neatness; orderliness; perfection; pleasure; propriety; purity; respectability; revelry; roistering; soundness; spotlessness; stainlessness

Verwandte Wörter für "detachment":

Synonyms for "detachment":

Verwandte Definitionen für "detachment":

  1. the act of releasing from an attachment or connection1
  2. coming apart1
  3. avoiding emotional involvement1
  4. a small unit of troops of special composition1
  5. the state of being isolated or detached1

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für detachment:

Cross Translation:
detachment destacamento; equipo détachementaction de se détacher ou état de celui qui s’est détaché d’une passion, d’un sentiment, de tout ce qui peut captiver trop l’esprit ou le cœur.
detachment grupo; destacamento; equipo groupeensemble de personnes, voire d’animaux.
detachment separación séparationaction de séparer ou résultat de cette action.
detachment equipo équipegroupe de travailleurs attacher à un travail spécial.


to detach Verb (detaches, detached, detaching)

  1. to detach
    – To remove uninstalled application files from a destination computer. 2
  2. to detach
    – To stop exposing a surfaced virtual disk to the user. 2

Konjugationen für detach:

  1. detach
  2. detach
  3. detaches
  4. detach
  5. detach
  6. detach
simple past
  1. detached
  2. detached
  3. detached
  4. detached
  5. detached
  6. detached
present perfect
  1. have detached
  2. have detached
  3. has detached
  4. have detached
  5. have detached
  6. have detached
past continuous
  1. was detaching
  2. were detaching
  3. was detaching
  4. were detaching
  5. were detaching
  6. were detaching
  1. shall detach
  2. will detach
  3. will detach
  4. shall detach
  5. will detach
  6. will detach
continuous present
  1. am detaching
  2. are detaching
  3. is detaching
  4. are detaching
  5. are detaching
  6. are detaching
  1. be detached
  2. be detached
  3. be detached
  4. be detached
  5. be detached
  6. be detached
  1. detach!
  2. let's detach!
  3. detached
  4. detaching
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Übersetzung Matrix für detach:

VerbVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
desasociar detach
ocultar detach blur; camouflage; come to a stand-still; conceal; cover; disguise; dissemble; envelop; gloss over; halt; hide; hush up; mantle; mask; shroud; stand still; stop; suppress; swathe; veil; wrap
- come away; come off
OtherVerwandte ÜbersetzungenWeitere Übersetzungen
- separate

Verwandte Wörter für "detach":

Synonyms for "detach":

Antonyme für "detach":

Verwandte Definitionen für "detach":

  1. cause to become detached or separated; take off1
    • detach the skin from the chicken before you eat it1
  2. come to be detached1
    • His retina detached and he had to be rushed into surgery1
  3. separate (a small unit) from a larger, especially for a special assignment1
    • detach a regiment1
  4. To remove uninstalled application files from a destination computer.2
  5. To stop exposing a surfaced virtual disk to the user.2

Wiktionary Übersetzungen für detach:

  1. to take apart or take off

Cross Translation:
detach destacar detachierenMilitär, veraltet: ein Detachement (eine Truppenabteilung für besondere Zwecke) aufstellen
detach desprender; desatar détacher — Dégager de ce qui l’attachait (sens général)

Computerübersetzung von Drittern: