

Detailed Synonyms for poke about in Englisch

poke about:

poke about Verb

  1. poke about
    snoop; to wander; to nose about; to rove about; to search about; to look about; to roam about; poke about
    • snoop Verb
    • wander Verb (wanders, wandered, wandering)
    • nose about Verb (noses about, nosed about, nosing about)
    • rove about Verb (roves about, roved about, roving about)
    • search about Verb (searches about, searched about, searching about)
    • look about Verb (looks about, looked about, looking about)
    • roam about Verb (roams about, roamed about, roaming about)
    • poke about Verb

poke about

  1. poke about

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